
Archery in Bhutan

The Himalayan nation of Bhutan is the only country in the world where Archery is the national sport. Whilst there are no formal archery clubs in the country, archery is used as a social event, at which villages and amateur teams compete against one another on a regular basis.

In 2016 HRH Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visited Bhutan on an official Royal Visit and were welcomed by Princess Ashi Chimi Yangzom Wangchuck, the Kings sister. During the two-day visit, they met the King and Queen of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgel Wangchuck and Jetsun Pema, who are similar in age to the Duke and Duchess and are known as the ‘William and Kate of the Himalayas’.

The Duke and Duchess won over the people of Bhutan by participating in an archery event, much to the delight of around 10,000 people who watched their efforts at shooting a traditional bamboo bow.

The Kings and Princes of Bhutan have long mastered and encouraged the skill of archery and the sport has come to embody the sovereignty of the nation. Much like in England, archery has played an important role in ancient battles, and Bhutanese archers were key to defeating eight major Tibetan invasions.

Bhutanese legend speaks of an Indian Prince, who 600 years before the Common Era, won the hand of the beautiful princess Yosodhara in an archery contest. Another story that links the country to archery is that of the well known ’Divine Mad Monk’ Drukpa Kuenlay, who found his destiny in Bhutan after he followed a divine vision asking him to shoot an arrow south from Tibet, following the arrow, he found Bhutan.

[div class=”col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 pull-right”][end-div]In traditional archery, the targets are placed at a  ‘long distance’ with archers going back and forth between two targets. Traditionally they shoot one pair of arrows each way, with a bamboo bow.

Most of the Bhutanese archers now shoot compound bows in ‘traditional style’ without sights or release aids. While recurve archery, in international format is left to a select few that are trained by the Bhutan Archery Federation.

The Bhutan Archery Federation is located in Thimphu, the capital of the country, and have recently started a program to promote archery in schools, as well as the training of an international recurve archery team.

The Himalayan nation organises training camps during school holidays to identify talented archers, the criteria for selection has nothing to do with scoring, but with the form of each archer. Over 1,100 archers participated in four camps, each held in a different region, that were organised to select the recurve team for the South Asian Games.

[div class=”col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4″][end-div]At the February 2016 South Asian Games, held in India, Bhutan collected one silver and four bronze medals. That silver medal came courtesy of Bhutan’s compound men’s team.

Bhutan’s National Championship, the Yangphel Archery Tournament, is held on an archery pitch which is centuries old, normally just as the monsoon season ends.

For more than 10 years now, archers in the tournament have been allowed to use compound bows in place of traditional bamboo ones. However, in a typically Bhutanese manner, modern sights and release aids are not allowed.

Archers competing must wear traditional robes and knee-high socks, which whilst is not quite compliant with Archery GB Rule 307, is nevertheless an acknowledgement that the presentation of the sport and standards of dress are not just a British thing!

Tournaments normally start at 8:00am and finish at 4:00pm, shooting in teams of six archers, typically with 15 rounds. Archers shoot two arrows each round at a small wooden target, set in the ground, around 150 yards away. Each time the target is struck the archers sing and dance, with songs about love, enlightenment and karma. The dance steps are a simple back-and-forth shuffle.

Because compound bows are more accurate than bamboo ones, the frequency with which the targets are hit has increased as has the time required for the traditional celebrations, making the tournaments last even longer.

Teasing and taunting of opponents is common, much like at many events in the England! It has been reported that historically one of the most common reasons for hospital admissions in Bhutan was due to archery injuries, possibly due to the fact that tournaments include drinking and celebrating.

Archery and Buddhism have long been linked, and Buddhist fatalism may have played a role in tempting fate when archers would stand in front of the target and get shot rather than allow their opponents to win, something that is not practiced today with the use of compound bows.

Prince Jigyel Ugyen, a regular competitor at the National Archery Tournament, is quoted as saying, “Buddhism is about emptying your mind, and so is archery. Once you pull the bow, you forget about everything else and find complete bliss. If you can hold that mentality for 24 hours and 365 days, that’s enlightenment.

[div class=”row”][div class=”col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6″]For more about the Bhutan Archery Federation, click here[end-div][end-div]


GWAS Senior Inter-Counties format change

A poll of the Senior County Teams resulted in a preference for changing the format of the Senior Inter-Counties event from York / Hereford to WA 1440 rounds.  Following a discussion and vote at the GWAS Council meeting in October 2016, it was agreed the format will be changed from 2017 to become a WA1440, World Record Status / Star event.

It is planned to shoot in ends of 6 arrows at each distance, with Long Bow archers shooting at a full size 80cm faces at the shorter distances.

The venue for the event remains at Exeter School, and will revert to the usual weekend on 17th September 2017



New State of the Art Archery Facility

It’s a great time to be an archer.

Beginners today have access to more coaches, ranges and shops than ever. People on every continent are enjoying archery as the sport grows exponentially, sparking even more demand for places to shoot, train and host tournaments.

Among archery’s newest venues is the World Archery Excellence Centre in Lausanne, Switzerland, which held its grand opening in December. World Archery is target archery’s global governing body. It’s responsible for international competitions like the Olympics and world championships. The Excellence Centre took nearly seven years to plan and build, and World Archery hopes it will become the epicenter of target archery. Read more


Compound Confirmed for 2019 Pan American Games

The Pan American Games follow the Asian Games in adding compound competition to the programme.

For the first time since archery was introduced to the Pan American Games in 1979, the multisport event programme will include a compound competition for the 2019 edition set to be held in Lima, Peru from 26 July to 11 August.

The continental games will be the second to include the compound bow after the 2014 Asian Games. read more


GWAS 2017 AGM – 2nd April at 2:30pm

The venue for this year will be the Worlds End Pub Bradford on Tone, Taunton Somerset TA4 1ET and being a pub venue those attending may wish to arrive earlier and enjoy a lunch and a drink.

All Council positions are required to be elected annually at the AGM.  This year there are a number of Council positions that will be vacated and specifically need to be filled, namely:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • EAF Representative(s)
  • Junior Representative
  • Communications and Web Content Officer
Election of Officers (President and Secretary) require a formal proposer and a seconder, with the written consent of the nominee.  Nominations should be sent to the GWAS Secretary, 7 days before the Annual General Meeting.
For the election of the Specialist Members and Officers (EAF Representative(s), Junior Representative and Communications / Web Content Officer), nominations may be in writing, with the written consent of the nominee, or may be accepted from the floor at the Annual General Meeting, in which case the nominee must be present to signify consent.

The Communications / Web Content Officer is  a new role created to replace the historic Webmaster role, but without the need for specific HTML skills and with an increased focus on developing, communicating and managing important regional information on the new GWAS website, which will be launched in March 2017.

Featured, Latest News

BBC West Unsung Hero

Congratulations to Dave Jones of Chippenham Archers who has been voted BBC West’s Unsung Hero of the Year!

Dave, who has dedicated the last 20 years to the club, has coached more than 600 archers, including internationals like Jo Frith who won gold and silver medals in Rio.

Jo said: “He was the first person I thought of when I looked down at my medal. I thought, ‘this is not my medal – this is mine and Dave’s medal.’ He helped me get this and I am so proud to be associated with him.” watch the BBC video