Archery England have announced the criteria and selection procedure for both junior and senior teams to represent them in 2020.
Information for selection can be found here
Archery England have announced the criteria and selection procedure for both junior and senior teams to represent them in 2020.
Information for selection can be found here
GWAS are running an Ianseo (scoring system) Training Course on Saturday/Sunday 7/8 March 2020.
It is taking place at Mendip Shooting Ground, Haydon Drove, Haydon, Wells, Somerset BA5 3EH and is open to all GWAS members who are interested. Space is limited and will be issued on a “first come, first served” basis.
The flyer for the course is available here, this also contains the application form to fill in to apply to attend.
As of today there are no spaces left for the upcoming GWAS Indoor Champs on 16th February 2020.
There is a waiting list in operation so if you have entered and are unable to attend the TO Robin Leveridge would very much appreciate you letting him know.
Back in December our GWAS chairman Paul Atkins attended the Regional Chairs Meeting with ArcheryGB at Lilleshall. Available below is the slideshow from that meeting. If you have any queries or questions then do please get in contact with Paul.(
Link to slideshow here
Please be advised that ArcheryGB are holding an Adaptive Devices Workshop on 9/10 November 2019. It is being held at Bottisham Sports Centre, Cambridge, CB25 9DJ.
Full details can be found here
Please find the results from the GWAS Senior Intercounties at Exeter School on Sunday 22 September here
Please be aware that the nomination period for this years GWAS Awards is soon closing (30/09/19).
The following link takes you to the area of the website with the process and form required.
The GWAS Senior Inter Counties is taking place this year at Exeter School on Sunday 22 September. Rounds will be Ladies and Gents WRS WA1440.
The teams will consist of –
4 Lady Recurves
3 Lady Compounds
2 Lady Longbows
2 Lady Barebows
6 Gent Recurves
4 Gent Compounds
2 Gent Longbows
2 Gent Barebows
The new more modern entrance for the start of Dunster Archery Week 2019.
Banners and feathers for the region and all of the counties are displayed around the Deer Park.