Dunster Archery Week

Including GWAS Outdoor Championship

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The Grand Western Archery Society holds it Annual Archery Championship Meeting at Dunster Castle Deer Park in June each year, set in the grounds of Dunster Castle which has been a fortified Tor since the late Anglo-Saxon period. The Lutterrel family have owned the Castle since the 14th Century, until 1976 when the Castle and most of its contents were given to the National Trust.

68th Dunster Archery Week, 2024

The 68th Dunster Archery Week incorporating the Grand Western Archery Society 150th Championship Meeting will take place between 15-21 July 2024.

Previous Results

2024 Results

2023 Results

2022 Results

2021 Results

2020 Results – No Dunster due to COVID-19

2019 Results

2018 Results

2017 Results

At the Grand Western Archery Meeting,
Oh what a sight to see,
Arrows flying through the air with such grace and glee.
For it’s the 150th gathering, a celebration so grand,
Where archers from all over the land come to showcase their hand.
With bows drawn back and quivers full, each archer takes aim, their focus is cool. (mostly)
Golds and near-misses, some arrows astray, and that one chap who aimed the wrong way!
In the heart of the West, where legends are born, the spirit of archery is proudly worn.
Under the sun’s warm embrace, they take their stand, at the Grand Western Archery
Meeting, a tradition so grand.
So raise your bows and arrows true, With quiet pride in all they do.
For 150 years of skill and art, Long live the archers with a golden heart!
And when the day’s done, with laughter and cheer, we’ll toast to the targets missed far and near.
For in archery, as in life, it’s often been told, the best stories aren’t always in the gold!