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GWAS Senior Inter Counties 2019

The GWAS Senior Inter Counties is taking place this year at Exeter School on Sunday 22 September. Rounds will be Ladies and Gents WRS WA1440.
The teams will consist of –
4 Lady Recurves
3 Lady Compounds
2 Lady Longbows
2 Lady Barebows
6 Gent Recurves
4 Gent Compounds
2 Gent Longbows
2 Gent Barebows

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AGB Law 25 Update

ArcheryGB law 25 has been updated and is now contained with the Shooting Administration Procedures (SAP’s) the text of SAP 8 – Eligibility is shown below:-

(a) Only a member of Archery GB or a person who is a member of a national society affiliated

to World Archery (or such successor organisation as may take over the role of World

Archery from time to time) may shoot or officiate at any of Archery GB’s meetings or at

any meeting of a Regional Society, County Association or Associated Club.

(b) Only an Archery GB member who is a British National Citizen may be the relevant British

National Champion and holder of the associated trophy.

(c) Home Nations are responsible for setting their own squad and team selection criteria

however, once an archer has represented one Home Nation in any particular age

category, they may not represent another Home Nation in that age category. Where

relevant, Home Nations Commonwealth Games Selection rules will take precedence.

(d) Regions and Counties are responsible for setting the eligibility criteria for their own

championship titles however, no archer may compete for championship titles of more

than one Region or County during a subscription year.

(e) Regions and Counties are responsible for setting their own squad and team selection

criteria however, no athlete may shoot for more than one Region or County during a

subscription year.

(f) An archer may belong to, and shoot at, more than one club in any one subscription year.

(g) The club through which the archer’s Archery GB annual subscription fee is paid (the club

stated on the Archery GB membership card) shall have first claim on that archer. Before

representing another club at a tournament or competition an archer must first get

permission from their first