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Counties, Devon & Cornwall, Latest News

Bowmen Of The Tors Autumn Gold entry form

Bowmen Of The Tors will be hosting the DCAS Autumn Gold Tournament. Taking place at Notre Dame RC School in Plymouth on Sunday 3 September, rounds will be St George, Albion, Windsor, Windsor 50, Windsor 40 & Windsor 30

Unfortunately, due to a lack of facilities at the school at the moment, food will not be provided at this event.

A draft Target List will be sent to all entrants by email after the closing date, but please check the Target List on the day for any changes.


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Counties, Dorset & Wiltshire

DWAA – Junior County Team – Expression of Interest

DWAA would like to understand how many of the Juniors in the County are shooting, are looking to compete in tournaments this year, and whether there is enough interest to put together a Junior County Team, to shoot at the GWAS Junior Inter-Counties on Saturday 9th September 2023.

So that we can gain feedback, we are asking you to fill out a form with your intentions for the season ahead.

The link to this form has been sent out to all junior members of DWAA directly over last weekend, but if you haven’t received a mail, or would prefer to use the form here, then please do so.

The closing date for the form to be submitted is Wednesday 31st May 2023.

We look forward to hearing from you!

DWAA Committee

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Counties, Dorset & Wiltshire


DWAA are offering a second training session aimed at supporting archers to improve their archery skills and improve performance.  Details of the session are below.

The session will be held again at Supermarine Bowmen SN3 4BZ.  The timings are setting up from 9.30am with a start time of 10am and finish time around 4pm with packing up afterwards.  The day will be a mix of some small group sessions, 121 coaching and practice.  There will be a mix of indoors and outdoors up on the range.  Please park cars on the field next to the club hut.  Refreshments will be included but please bring a packed lunch with you as there will be no hot food on the day.  There is a fridge if you want to put anything in it during the day .

If you are interested in securing a place, please arrange to fill out and submit this form, sharing some basic details about yourself and your archery history. Closing date to book is Friday 9th June 2023

To ensure the expenses of running the session are covered there will be a cost of £17.50 for the session.   If you would like to book a place, please arrange to pay the fee via bacs – Sort Code 20-45-45 Account No 53620050. Account Name – Dorset and Wiltshire Archery Association.   This will secure your space.

Jane – DWAA Secretary

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Counties, Dorset & Wiltshire

We are missing a Champion!

The Salisbury WA70 takes place in a couple of weeks and we are missing the last white horse trophy.

His name is Champion and he represents the Compound Men category. This was last won by Steve Newton in 2015, handed back to the TO at that time in 2016 and since then seems to have left the corral.

Could you all take a look in your garage, attic and back pockets, to see if we can lasso the last horse!

If Champion is found, please contact John Prior on 07887 923389


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Counties, Dorset & Wiltshire

Ray Gallop

It is with deepest regret that I must advise you of the death of Ray Gallop after a short spell in hospital, Ray passed away peacefully at home on Monday 27th February.

Ray’s contribution to archery is immense, as an active member of DWAA, President of GNAS, a National and International (FITA) Judge, his expertise in both target, field archery and Paralympic disciplines he was recognised as the “go to” for advice, and in depth analysis on the rules of shooting.

DWAA Committee

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Coaching, Latest News

Coaching Conference speakers announced

We’re delighted to be able to announce the guest speakers line up for the GWAS Coaching Conference on the 1st April at Wincanton Memorial Hall, Somerset.

There are plenty of tickets still available, so please spread the word. Non-coaches are welcome. Ticket sales end on the 25th March at 5pm.

Please note that all ticket holders will receive a direct email with full programme timings, information on parking, what to bring, details of the AGM etc no less than one week before the event.

Any questions or queries, please contact the RCO.

Counties, Dorset & Wiltshire

Sun 21st May 2023 County Shoot- WRS Double WA70/60/50

We will be holding a DWAA County shoot, hosted by South Wilts Archery Club on Sunday 21st May 2023 at The Trafalgar School, Downton, Salisbury SP5 3HN

To enter the competition please click on the below link to the Prospectus and Application Form.

Prospectus and Entry Form

Payment will be by bacs, there are instructions on the Prospectus.

Any questions, please contact the Tournament Organiser Tom Godson on

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Counties, Dorset & Wiltshire

Sun 2nd July 2023 County Shoot- WA1440/ Metric I-V/Short Metrics

We will be holding a DWAA County shoot, hosted by Supermarine Bowmen on Sunday 2nd July 2023. It will be a WA1440 along with Metrics I-V.

This year to encourage archers who are either new to the sport, or those that would like to take part in a competition, but feel they can’t reach those longer distances, or for those looking to get back into competitions after Covid. We are putting on the Short Metric I-V rounds in the afternoon.

Please find the Prospectus and Entry here

To enter the competition please click on the above link where you will find the Prospectus and a QR code which you can scan, or there is also a link which both will take you to a Microsoft form, where you can enter and submit your entry.

Payment will be by bacs, there are instructions on the Prospectus.

Any questions, then please contact the Tournament Organiser Jane Prior at

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Counties, Devon & Cornwall


DCAS archers should now be aware that Archery GB have released new Outdoor Classifications and Handicaps for 2023 which now cover a wider range of abilities and indeed Rounds. These include new archers likely to be able to get from third to first class classification by entering just one 12 dozen round, such as a York or WA1440.

The handicap tables are completely revised and based on a new system. Archers using scoring Apps may need to check they have updated. For those Records Officer using Golden Eecords a new update happened on Wednesday.

The new outdoor score tables can be found on the AGB Website here:

There is also a new Calculator available which covers these changes, allowing clubs to create handicaps and classifications for club rounds, and it also has some interesting features such as comparable scores for other rounds and typical group sizes for the round entered along with the normal information such as Handicap and classification.

Here is a link to that: