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GWAS Direct Members 2021/22

Dear Members,

Please be aware if you are an ArcheryGB direct member and wish to join GWAS then you need to fill in the form available here, then either send the form with payment to the GWAS affiliations secretary or preferably email the form and pay by direct bank transfer, information to support this is on the form.

Also if you wish to join GWAS directly you must also complete the form available here.

So simply put if you wish to join GWAS directly then you must complete and send in the direct member form.



Paul Callaway GWAS Affiliations Secretary.

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Further Dunster 2021 Update


After rather a lot of to’ing and fro’ing and waiting on COVID guidelines I will be sending out the entry forms for Dunster Week 2021 later today. ?

In order to give everyone a fair chance of getting in I will only start accepting entries from 10:00 tomorrow, Sunday 28th March.

Any  that arrive before entries open at 10:00 will be returned and you will have to resubmit.

The reason for this is that I can’t send them to everyone at exactly the same time so this seems the fairest way!

I will reserve a number of spaces for those of you who normally post your entries in and pay by cheque. Can I ask that if possible you complete the smart entry form and email to me to reserve your space(s) and send payment ASAP. I will keep these spaces open until CoP on Wednesday as that should give time for a cheque posted on Monday to reach me.

Those of you who carried your entries over from last year do not need to submit another form for this year.

So keep an eye on your inbox and I look forward to receiving your entries tomorrow from 10:00 onwards!

Any questions, please get in touch.


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Changes to GWAS fees 2020/21

At the GWAS AGM today, the GWAS rates applicable for newcomers joining from 1 July 2021 were changed. Also, the existing numbers boxes on the present Affiliation Form won’t work for entries from 1 April and beyond so have been amended. Please find links below to the required documents:-

Club Affiliation Submission Form, available here

Revised GWAS fees 2020/21, available here