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** UPDATED ** GWAS Virtual AGM

Please be advised that GWAS will be holding their previously postponed AGM virtually using GoToMeeting on Sunday 23 August at 14:00.
The following link gives access to the AGM documentation.

The officer nomination forms must be submitted by 14:00 on Sunday 16 August 2020. This is applicable for the officers of the society being President, Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasuer as per clauses 20 and 21 of the GWAS constitution. Although the constitution allows for other positions to be submitted on the day it would be much appreciated if these could be submitted by noon on Saturday 22 August thus allowing the virtual AGM to proceed easier.

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Burnham Company of Archers

Fellow Archers

At Burnham Company of Archers we are fortunate to have 7 day access to our own field and have been able to open to allow members to shoot. We have opened 4 booking slots a day , 9 – 11, 12 – 2, 3 – 5, and 6 – 8 (the latest slot can be shot until dark). On the field we have put out 6 fixed targets, 2 at 30m, 1 at 50m, 1 at 60m, 1 at 70m, and 1 at 90m. Currently we have spare capacity within our availability and have looked at ways to open this up to the wider archery community. Based on this we can offer 2 x types of associate membership to members of AGB up to the end of September

  1. Covid-19 Membership – This will allow members to book slots on weekdays only – This will cost £25
  2. Standard Associate Membership – This will allow members to book slots on any day – This will cost £35

There are no further shooting fees. Members need to provide their own target faces and pins, and book a specific target before attending the field

At the end of September any associate will be free to re-join the club on our standard annual associate membership fee, as the field remains open all year round

If you are interested please contact the club secretary at and further details about joining can be sent out

We are also running a WA720 open shoot on Sunday 16th August. We have 3 sessions 9am, 12pm and 3pm, allowing people to come to the field and shoot a 720 round, with other archers, under Covid-19 restrictions and controls. The cost of this is £5 per session. If this is of interest please contact Please note that numbers will be strictly limited

I trust this may be of interest


Burnham Company of Archers Committee


Is 2020 looking like a total disaster for your Archery?

Our president Jane Rees a county coach and past GB international along with Andrew Knight an osteopath both members of Ballands Bowmen are writing a series of articles to help those who perhaps are still unable to get back to shooting.

An introduction to Jane and Andrew can be found here.

The first article “Is 2020 looking like a total disaster for your Archery” can be found here.

The second article “Developing your shot sequence model” can be found here.

The third article “Fine tuning your shot sequence model” can be found here.

The fourth article “Virtual shooting” can be found here.

The fifth article “Posture for Archers” can be found here.

The sixth article “Posture for Archers 2” can be found here.

The seventh article “Posture for Archers 3” can be found here.

The eighth article can be found here.

The ninth article “Looking forwards…” can be found here.

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GWAS Covid-19 Emergency Fund

Grand Western Archery Society recognises that many clubs may be suffering real financial hardship as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. GWAS have therefore set aside £20,000 to help those clubs in genuine need. We invite you to apply for loans of up to £500 per club. Applications are welcomed from across the GWAS region only. Closing date for applications 17th July. 

Full details on link.

Counties, Dorset & Wiltshire

Archery GB announce a limited return to Archery – Phase 1

Following the announcement from the Prime Minister on Sunday 10 May, Archery GB has prepared guidelines for clubs, coaches and members on returning to archery safely in England, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. There is no change to the current position in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and archery activity remains on hold. 

The first phase documents include a poster, an infographic, a risk assessment template, an archer’s guide, a coach’s guide, an example range layout and FAQS. These will be regularly uodated.

A return to shooting is dependant upon your own club commitee and member’s wishes also dependant upon the permission of and any guidelines your landlord may also wish you to adher to if you do not own your own club ground.

More information

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** UPDATED ** GWAS Regional Clubs Survey

Dear GWAS Club,
Thank you to those who have completed the recent GWAS survey aimed at understanding the region better in these unprecedented times.
For those clubs who are yet to have completed this survey (please see list below), we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. The results we’ve had so far have been invaluable to the GWAS Council in steering our decision making and it’s fantastic for us to be able to have an up to date, clear picture of how the clubs in the region are coping.
Link to GWAS survey.
How is this survey going to help the region? 
From the survey results so far, the GWAS Council have been asked to signpost clubs which are open, clubs which are struggling and might need support and those who could offer potential shared shooting facilities. We’ve been able to gather this information through this survey (please link to a map showing the shooting status of all clubs who have completed this survey) and in turn, begin to signpost clubs to shared facilities. Link to map.
The more clubs we have input into this survey, the more we can work as a region to support each other, so it’s vitally important we gather as many responses as possible.