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Counties, Dorset & Wiltshire

County Shoots & Team Events Cancelled

are disappointed to announce that due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic we
have taken the difficult decision to cancel both the Wiltshire WA in July, and
the 3-day County Championship weekend in August also additionally cancel all
junior and senior County Archery Team events for the remainder of the calendar

The Wiltshire WA is part of the wider 2-day Supermarine Weekend which has also
been cancelled as announced by themselves earlier today. All entrants will be
contacted by the Tournament Organiser regarding their fees.

Entry for the 3-day County Championship weekend had not yet opened pending a
decision since Lockdown started.

The junior and senior County Archery Team events cancelled include the DWAA vs
HAA match at the Andover FITA Star in July, the National County Team Tournament
at Lilleshall in June and both the junior and senior GWAS Regional Inter-county
Tournaments in September even if the events themselves may eventually go ahead.
All team members should have been contacted by their respective Team Managers.

The ArcheryGB Big Weekend in May and GWAS Dunster Championships in June are
already announced as being cancelled.

apologise for any inconvenience this causes. This decision is due to the
continued impact of the coronavirus outbreak along with ensuring the safety of
archers, judges, organisers and other people involved in these events and to
allow archers to focus on their own clubs and memberships during the ongoing

We thank Supermarine Bowmen and South Wilts AC for agreeing
to originally host the two  cancelled shooting events.

The post County Shoots & Team Events Cancelled appeared first on DWAA.

Counties, Dorset & Wiltshire

All Club Archery Still Suspended

an update from AGB, all club archery in the UK is still suspended until further

people may now exercise outside as many times as they wish each day this still
clearly excludes venues where there is a higher risk of close contact (such as
the shooting line) and touching surfaces (such as targets) as per page 27 of
OUR PLAN TO REBUILD: The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy which can
be found on;

as before, you cannot:

exercise in an indoor sports court, gym or leisure centre (such as shooting

gather in a group of more than two (excluding members of your own household)


updates will be published in due course.

The post All Club Archery Still Suspended appeared first on DWAA.

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In Memoriam – Alex Kerby

GWAS is very sad to report the death of the well known judge, Alex Kerby.
Alex had struggled with cancer for some time and was finally overwhelmed by the disease last week.
Many members will recall him in his role as a judge at GWAS and Somerset events: his seemingly stern exterior concealing a kind and witty man, who was a great servant to archery in the southwest.
It is a matter of regret that, due to the present coronavirus crisis, his archery friends will not be able to attend his funeral. However, members may wish to know that Chris Hassall will attend and has kindly agreed to represent our Society.
On behalf of the Society, we offer our sincere condolences to Marion, Hazel, Nick and Harvey.
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Dunster 2020 Cancelled

It is with deep regret and a heavy heart that I must let you know that Dunster Week 2020 has been cancelled.

I am sure you can understand that this is not a decision that has been taken lightly. On the contrary we have held off as long as we felt we could but in the light of the rapidly changing situation and in particular the expectation of the Coronavirus peak falling in May and June, it was felt that the only sensible thing to do was cancel as Dunster is not an event that can simply be postponed.

I know this will be a huge disappointment to you all, it is for me too, but we are living in unprecedented times and most of us will never have experienced anything on this scale before in our lifetime.

All that is left to say is please stay safe, heed the advice coming out from the government and here’s to seeing you all at the 65thDunster Week “Take 2” which will run from 13thto 20thJune 2021.


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Latest ArcheryGB Update on Covid-19

Please be aware of the latest AGB update on Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Link here

Also be aware of an update from our Dunster Week TO Vikki – ” I’ve had a few queries re Dunster Week. As things stand the plan is to go ahead as normal as it is far enough into the year for things to have settled down. If things change I will let you know ASAP.”

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In Memoriam – Dave Moss

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dave Moss. Many of you will remember him as owner with his wife Sally of Lyne Arkres (Archery Centre) and also as a well respected GWAS Judge.

His funeral is being handled by J S Stacey in Holsworthy, their is a family request of no flowers but donations to the British Heart Foundation. The funeral will be held at Barnstaple Crematorium on Monday 23rd March @ 12:20.

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Dear Members,
IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLAUSE 37 OF THE G.W.A.S. CONSTITUTION, the Executive Committee, in consultation with members of the G.W.A.S. Council, have agreed that the G.W.A.S. A.G.M. is postponed indefinitely due to the unprecedented coronavirus outbreak.
This means that the A.G.M., scheduled for Sunday 15th March, will NOT TAKE PLACE until the coronavirus threat has subsided.
The usual 21 days notice of the rescheduled A.G.M. will be given.