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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

General Data Protection (GDPR) becomes effective on 25th May 2018 and to this end Grand Western Archery Society (GWAS) has produced two new documents:
Privacy Policy – click here
Data Protection Policy – click here
These documents can also be found under Council > Documents.

ArcheryGB have issued some advice for clubs with reference to GDPR, click here

ArcheryGB have also issued advice for tournament organisers –
If you organise an event, to comply with GDPR, Tournament Organisers should include the following wording on tournament entry forms:

“When you enter competitions the following information may be collected and shared with tournament organisers, scoring systems and other competitors for example target lists and results may be published: First Name, Surname, Gender, Bow style, Date of Birth / Age category, Email, Address, Phone number, Club (and ID), County (and ID), Region (and ID), Round (unless defined by age), Disabled (Y/N), Disability info.”

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**UPDATED** GWAS AGM + Draft Minutes

Following the postponement of the GWAS AGM due to bad weather we are pleased to announce the new date.
GWAS AGM Sunday 15th April, West Buckland Village Hall @ 13:00.
The calling notice can be found here
The 2017 draft AGM minutes can be found here
The calling notice/nomination form and 2017 AGM draft minutes can also be found via menu path “Council > Documents”
We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

Coaching, Featured, Latest News


Dear all,

Just to avoid any confusion, the Coaching AGM which was due to take place tomorrow (18/3/18), has also been postponed due to the imminent weather forecast. The event will be reschedules alongside the main GWAS AGM.

Thank you to all of those who attended the GWAS Coaching Conference today, a write up for the website will be up shortly.

Lizzy Rees







GWAS Direct Members 2020/21

Dear Members,

Please be aware if you are an ArcheryGB direct member and wish to join GWAS then you need to fill in the form available here, then either send the form with payment to the GWAS affiliations secretary or preferably email the form and pay by direct bank transfer, information to support this is on the form.

Also if you wish to join GWAS directly you must also complete the form available here.

So simply put if you wish to join GWAS directly then you must complete and send in the direct member form.



Paul Callaway GWAS Affiliations Secretary.

Coaching, Featured, Latest News

Coaching Conference registration email ERROR

Dear all,

It has come to my attention that not all emails requesting a space for the GWAS Coaching Conference are getting to me, or many are being redirected to my spam box. If you have emailed me and have not received a response about bookings and payments within 48 hours, please assume it has not reached me.

Should this be the case, please email again but at

Thank you for your patience,







Coaching, Featured, Latest News

Grand Western Archery Society Coaching Conference

Grand Western Archery Society Coaching Conference

17th March 2018, 10.00-17.00

Wincanton Memorial Hall, Somerset, BA9 9JF


Arrival 09.30

Richard Cheetham seminar 10.00 – 11.00

Andrew Knight ‘An archer’s posture and everyday exercises’ 11.10 – 12.10

Lloyd Brown (Archery GB staff)  ‘The coaching plan for archery 2017-2021′ 12.15 – 13.15

Lunch 13.15 – 14.15*

Andrew Rees ‘Equipment and set up for recurve barebow’ 14.20 – 15.20

Erin Prior ‘Forming effective coach-athlete relationships’ 15.30 – 17.00

Pack up 17.00

Tickets: £10 GWAS members in advance / £15 on the day

£15 Non-GWAS members in advance

*Tea and Coffee available but lunch is NOT provided, please bring your own.

Please email the Regional Coaching Officer, Lizzy Rees on for booking and advanced payment information.


Richard Cheetham M.B.E.

Richard is a Senior Fellow in Sports Coaching at the University of Winchester where he has worked since 2005. Since May 2014 he has worked with the UCI World Cycling Elite Coach Education Programme in Aigle, Switzerland. He has gained recognition nationally and internationally within coach education and has been an invited speaker for World Rugby, British Cycling, Cycling Ireland, Rugby Canada, England Handball and the England Cricket Coaches Association. Richard is also an experienced Rugby Union Coach Educator for London South region and Hampshire RFU as well as a Tutor for SCUK on the Fundamentals, Coaching Children and Talent Foundation workshops.

Andrew Knight D.O.  ‘An archer’s posture and everyday exercises’

Andrew Knight D.O. has been offering Osteopathic care in South Somerset since 1987, having graduated from The British School of Osteopathy in 1986. Fully Registered with the General Osteopathic Council, Andrew has practices in Keinton Mandeville near Somerton. Andrew is also a keen archer and member of Ballands Bowmen AC in Somerset. Andrew will be presenting an hour long interactive workshop as part of the conference day, primarily looking at how to move most efficiently as an archer and how to prevent shooting related injuries.

Lloyd Brown (Archery GB)  – The coaching plan for archery 2017-2021

With Archery GB having recently launched their new coaching strategy ‘The coaching plan for archery 2017-2021’, it is very important that the practicalities of this strategy are well understood by those people at grass roots level who are going to be providing the coaching: you guys! Lloyd Brown, member of the AGB coaching development team has been invited to attend the GWAS 2018 coaching conference in order to provide insight into the new strategy.

Andrew Rees (County Coach) Equipment and set up for recurve barebow

Andrew has 20 years experience in barebow archery and is the resident barebow expert for Archery UK magazine. He has shot barebow for Great Britain in World and Continental championships in both field and 3D archery and is also a County Coach in the GWAS region. With an increasing interest in barebow archery, coaches need to know the differences between set-up of a traditional Olympic bow and a recurve barebow. In his talk, Andrew will discuss the general setup of the barebow and the particulars of set-up for string walking, including stabilisation and appropriate tillering.

Erin Prior M.Sc. ‘Forming effective coach-athlete relationships’

Erin is a postgraduate with a Sport and Exercise Psychology (MSc) at Loughborough University and undergraduate degree in Psychology (BSc) from Coventry University. She has represented Great Britain in target archery as a compound junior archer and continues to compete at national level. Erin will be presenting a 1.5 hour workshop looking at how to form effective coach-athlete relationships.

(left to right speakers)


Latest News

Devizes Bowmen Wadworth Sponsorship

Devizes Bowmen and Wadworth have agreed a three-year sponsorship deal. The sponsorship includes the branding of new club shirts with the leading Wadworth 6X brand as well as support for Devizes Bowmen events, including their Annual Top Ten Tournament.

Neil Lockhart of Devizes Bowmen commented:

“This sponsorship of a local archery club by a local business with a strong brand like Wadworth is very exciting for our club and its members. The new shirts are very distinctive incorporating the Wadworth 6X branding and will ensure our archers are immediately recognisable in tournaments around the country.”

“When we proposed the idea to Wadworth one of the things that made the sponsorship relevant and of value was the obvious association of the 6X brand with our sport. Arrows are shot in ends of 6 and the highest score on a 10 zone archery target is marked “X” ….. It did not take a leap in imagination to realise that ‘6X’ is the highest achievable score and a 6 gold end is simply perfection, as are Wadworth beers”

Katherine Bond, Wadworth Brand Marketing Manager commented:

“Wadworth are delighted to be able to continue to support the local community and promote our brand in this way. Making good beer, like Archery, is part of English Heritage that dates back hundreds of years, both requiring special skills and dedication to produce outstanding results”

The new club shirts have been custom designed and supplied by Lionhart Custom Design Archery Shirts, and feature sublimation printed graphics with integral cooling panels in the sides of the shirt and comfortable collars designed with the archer in mind.


Archery – Inner Game Seminar


Presented by Steve Woods, Performance Coach and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic programming (NLP)

DATE – Saturday 20th January 2018.

Maximum 50 spaces available.

Interactive structure to seminar.

Suitable for all level of archers and coaches.

Tea & Coffee provided. There is an excellent onsite cafe if you wish to arrive early and eat.

Potential for future group sessions with Steve Woods ( Max group size 4 ).

Please see attached info for full details.


Mendip Shooting Ground

Haydon Drove




£15 per person

Please reply to me at this email address; to reserve your place and let me know if you will be paying by bank transfer (preferred) or cheque.

If you are reserving places for more than one person, please let me have the names of all those who will be attending as you will be asked to check in on the day.

Bank details are as follows;

Account number: 23024474

Sort code: 20-13-35

Please can you reference the transfer by putting “MSG” and your surname. For example my payment reference would be “MSGatkins”

If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Paul Atkins and send to the following address;

2 Barrie Way




Once I have received your payment in full I will confirm your place(s) at the seminar.

Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Best wishes


Mobile- 07805 034693

Finally please bring a pen, an open mind and a willingness to try something new!

Inner Game Seminar Programme

Latest News

2017 WA Championships

This week sees the start of the 2017 World Archery Championships in Mexico.

Eleven British athletes will compete including Lucy Mason who won Gold in the Women’s Compound Cadet class at the World Youth Championships in Rosario, Argentina she will be travelling with recurve archers Bryony Pitman who finished fifth and Alex Wise, and fellow compounder Luke Ralls.

They will be among 376 athletes from 61 countries competing for a total of 10 medals.

The competition schedule is:

15 October: Official practice

16 October: Qualification

17 October: Qualification and recurve team eliminations

18 October: Individual eliminations

19 October: Individual and compound team eliminations

20 October: Mixed team eliminations

21 October: Compound finals

22 October: Recurve finals


Lucy Mason Cadet World Champion 2017

Lucy Mason has won the World Youth Cadet Compound Womens final in Rosario, Argentina.  Lucy beat Alexandra Paquette from Canada 142 – 138.

Lucy commented “I couldn’t be happier with how it went after working so hard over the past few years and having the setback of my ankle I’m just so happy that it all paid off.  A massive thank you to Steph and Deer Park Archers my amazing coach”

Congratulations to Lucy on her amazing achievement!

You can read more about the World Youth Championships on the World Archery website.