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Archery – Inner Game Seminar


Presented by Steve Woods, Performance Coach and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic programming (NLP)

DATE – Saturday 20th January 2018.

Maximum 50 spaces available.

Interactive structure to seminar.

Suitable for all level of archers and coaches.

Tea & Coffee provided. There is an excellent onsite cafe if you wish to arrive early and eat.

Potential for future group sessions with Steve Woods ( Max group size 4 ).

Please see attached info for full details.


Mendip Shooting Ground

Haydon Drove




£15 per person

Please reply to me at this email address; to reserve your place and let me know if you will be paying by bank transfer (preferred) or cheque.

If you are reserving places for more than one person, please let me have the names of all those who will be attending as you will be asked to check in on the day.

Bank details are as follows;

Account number: 23024474

Sort code: 20-13-35

Please can you reference the transfer by putting “MSG” and your surname. For example my payment reference would be “MSGatkins”

If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Paul Atkins and send to the following address;

2 Barrie Way




Once I have received your payment in full I will confirm your place(s) at the seminar.

Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Best wishes


Mobile- 07805 034693

Finally please bring a pen, an open mind and a willingness to try something new!

Inner Game Seminar Programme

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2017 WA Championships

This week sees the start of the 2017 World Archery Championships in Mexico.

Eleven British athletes will compete including Lucy Mason who won Gold in the Women’s Compound Cadet class at the World Youth Championships in Rosario, Argentina she will be travelling with recurve archers Bryony Pitman who finished fifth and Alex Wise, and fellow compounder Luke Ralls.

They will be among 376 athletes from 61 countries competing for a total of 10 medals.

The competition schedule is:

15 October: Official practice

16 October: Qualification

17 October: Qualification and recurve team eliminations

18 October: Individual eliminations

19 October: Individual and compound team eliminations

20 October: Mixed team eliminations

21 October: Compound finals

22 October: Recurve finals


Lucy Mason Cadet World Champion 2017

Lucy Mason has won the World Youth Cadet Compound Womens final in Rosario, Argentina.  Lucy beat Alexandra Paquette from Canada 142 – 138.

Lucy commented “I couldn’t be happier with how it went after working so hard over the past few years and having the setback of my ankle I’m just so happy that it all paid off.  A massive thank you to Steph and Deer Park Archers my amazing coach”

Congratulations to Lucy on her amazing achievement!

You can read more about the World Youth Championships on the World Archery website.


























Junior Team Gold and Silver at Rosaroi

Mixed pair Sarah Moon and James Howse from Great Britain beat the USA’s Alexis Ruiz and Jesse Clayton to the compound junior mixed team gold medal at the Rosario 2017 World Archery Youth Championships in Argentina.

“It feels really good to finally get a gold,” said James. “Personally, I was a bit fed up with bronze and silvers so finally having a gold feels really good.”

Howse won two bronze medals, individual and mixed team, and one team silver medal at the worlds in 2015 as a cadet.

“Coming here, Sarah and I we were feeling really confident, all throughout the eliminations we shot really good, shot well together and it was exactly the same on the finals field. We just had a good time and enjoyed it,” he added.

The Brits, who opened with a 38 against the USA’s 31, took a lead from the beginning and ended the match nine points ahead, 147-138.

Since the format was included in the World Archery Youth Championships in 2011, only the Netherlands, Colombia and, now, Great Britain have taken the title.

Britain’s Phoebe Pine, Sarah Moon and Isabelle Carpenter also took the compound junior women’s team silver, losing the final to Mexico.


The 2017 World Archery Youth Championships run 2 to 10 October in Rosario, Argentina read more on the World Archery Website











WADA Prohibited List – 2018

Today, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) publishes the 2018 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List); along with, the 2018 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes. The List, which was approved by WADA’s Executive Committee on 24 September 2017, comes into force on 1 January 2018.

“WADA is pleased to publish the 2018 Prohibited List,” said WADA President, Sir Craig Reedie. “Updated annually, the List is released three months ahead of taking effect so that all stakeholders — in particular athletes and their entourage — have sufficient time to familiarize themselves with the document and its modifications,” Reedie continued. “It is vital that all athletes and entourage take the necessary time to consult the List; and that, they contact their respective anti-doping organizations (ADOs) if they have any doubts as to the status of a substance or method.”

More information can be found on the WADA website


GWAS Indoor Championships

The 44th GWAS Indoor Championships are being held at the Hutton Moor Leisure Centre, Weston-super-Mare on Sunday 18th February 2018.  This is a Record Status event, shooting a FITA 18 with two details, with assembly at 10:15 am and 2:00 pm.

The date for the Championships has been changed to early in the new year following a decision by the GWAS Council.

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Battle of Britain raises £113

Despite a very low attendance this year at the Battle of Britain WRS WA 1440 shoot, an impressive total of £113 was raised for the Royal Air Forces Association, due to the generous donations from Somerset archers, and those who purchased raffle tickets on the day.  Somerset County Archery Association expresses their thanks to everyone involved in organising and participating in this event.

More information on the Royal Air Forces Association can be found here.







Coaching, Featured, Latest News

Five new County Coaches!

Grand Western Archery Society now has five new county level coaches, four in Somerset and one in Devon & Cornwall. Luke Messinger (D&C), Martin Hutchings, Andrew Rees, Jane Rees and Lizzy Rees (Somerset) all successfully completed the County Coaching Course in a very speedy eight months, remarkable considering the course can often take up to 18 months to complete. Additionally, Somerset archer Rob Morgan has one more module to complete and he will be number six on the list of passed candidates, a great success for the region!

The course was led by international medal winning field archer and National Coach Trish Lovell and her sidekick Ted Essex, both of whom guided the candidates through their six essays, eight linked coaching sessions, equipment seminars and specialist archery talks. Each candidate bought something new and interesting to the course, notably the specialist talk subjects: working with disabled archers (Jane), archery and biomechanics (Luke), nutrition, diabetes and archery (Lizzy), coaching and cognitive biases (Andrew) and archery development in scouting (Martin).

Andrew (left middle), Luke (middle) and Jane (right middle) having just been awarded their coaching badges

Grand Western is a region which has historically had a low number of County Coaches, so to soon have six of them is real progress for coaching in the region. The newly qualified County Coaches can now work throughout the region to help other develop the skills of both L1 and L2 coaches, as well as regional archers, hurrah!

If you’d like any information regarding coaching within your local area of Grand Western, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Coaching Officer via the website.

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2017 Senior Inter-County Team

All GWAS Counties have agreed to a new format for the 2017 Senior Inter-County match

the format will now be as follows:

Round WA 1440(on layered foam Bosses)

New team composition

6 Gents Recurve                    4 Ladies Recurve

4 Gents Compound              3 Ladies Compound

3 Gents Longbow                 3 ladies Longbow

1 Gents Barebow                  1 Ladies Barebow

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GWAS, The Early Years

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dawson lived first at Allan Bank, Grasmere, but the climate did not suit his youngest daughter’s health, so about 1849 the family moved to Pitminster, a little village just outside Taunton. It was here that Mr. Dawson’s taste for archery was developed, he never gained much distinction as an archer but he played a large part in the foundation of the Grand Western Archery Meeting, the first of which was held which held at Bishops Hull (just outside Taunton) in 1861. Other Grand Western Meetings were held at Salisbury in 1862, Weymouth in 1863 and at Exeter in 1864; there was no Meeting in 1865 due to the Grand National Archery Meeting being held in Clifton but a Meeting was held in Weymouth in 1866. There was no Meeting held in 1867 and by 1868 both of the Dawson daughters were married and Mr. Dawson had left the area so Mr. Walrond took over the organising of the GWAM and continued to do so until 1914 – he died in June 1917. The original Grand Western Prize Badges were very probably organised by Thomas Dawson, he was friends with a Taunton silversmith – John Goodman (whose youngest son was named Thomas Dawson Goodman) – and samples of these early badges have Goodman’s mark, an interlinked ‘J’ and ‘G’.

Above is a picture of a Champions Badge, it would have had a bar hanging from the bottom with the meeting venue engraved on the front and the year on the back – the 1998 booklet produced for the 125th GWAM suggests that this dates from 1868 but there is a picture of the Reverend Hare wearing the badge with four bars, 1861, 62, 63 & 64, (it could, of course, been retrospective) but I seem to remember reading somewhere that the Champions badge was retained when the Prize Badges were stopped – because they were too similar to the Grand National Archery Meeting prize badges.

Below left is a picture of a Gentlemen’s Prize Badge from the very first Grand Western Meeting – this was reproduced on a smaller scale in a limited edition of 125 in 1998 to celebrate the 125th holding of the GWAM. The badge next to it is the Ladies Champion badge – this one dates from the 1864 GWAM so would have been won by Sophia Dawson, the hallmarks show it was assayed in Exeter in 1863/64 and has two of John Goodman’s marks (one as silversmith and one as the gilder). The final badge is actually a lesser award – this one was awarded in 1866 for 5th Gross Score and was won by Miss L. Butt of the Queen’s Royal St. Leonards Archers who was to become Sophia Dawson’s sister-in-law.

The Dawsons were members of the West Somerset Archery Society which was based in Batts Park, Taunton (now a housing estate!) The Dawson’s elder daughter, Sophia, was three times Championess of the West (1863, 1864 & 1866) and married William Butt who was the Secretary of the Royal Toxophilite Society (1865 – 72 & 1875 – 77). Thomas Dawson became a member of the Royal Toxophilite Society in 1864 and in 1867 issued (anonymously) a book (printed in Taunton) titled ‘A History of the Royal Toxophilite Society’ and in 1870 produced an enlarged edition. He was also a member of the ‘Queen’s Royal St. Leonard’s Archers’ and arranged for silver badges to be made for them by John Goodman (a receipt is in Hastings Museum and Art Gallery). Sophia Butt died in 1908 and her obituary in the ‘Archer’s Register’ (1909) was written by Henry Walrond, the 9th Marques de Vallado (a Spanish title bestowed on Humphrey Walrond by King Philip IV of Spain in 1653).