It is my intention to keep everything pretty much the same as I don’t want to spoil such an institution, however there will be some small tweaks, mainly to make my life easier in administering the week. The main one for now is that we are moving to using BookWhen to take entries which is why there is no smart Excel entry form. Hopefully most of you will have used BookWhen to enter competitions or indeed other non-Archery related events. Each day is listed separately but I ask to make my life easier, enter all the days you wish to shoot to your shopping basket and then pay in one go. Similarly if you are entering for a partner or friend add them to the same basket.
If you are unable to use BookWhen, then please email me and we can discuss alternatives using the smart Excel entry form.
The email address for all Dunster related matters is Please don’t email Vikki as she will only have to pass the emails on!
Importantly the “Additional information” box can be used to let me know if you would like to shoot with or near another archer. Please also use this box to let me know if you have any special requirements, e.g. need to stay on the line. It takes time to build this knowledge and I only know some of it, so please don’t assume I know!! It would be really helpful to me if you are a gent shooting the ladies round or vice versa if you could add a comment confirming this, will save me getting in touch with you to check it’s not just a typo in your entry!
Entries will open on BookWhen at 7pm on Wednesday 12th March.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, then I will try my best to assist.
I look forward to your entries and then seeing you at the castle in July.